Saturday, February 15, 2014

Head Hunger

Tonight, I'm dealing with Head Hunger.  You know that feeling that you want to eat a snack?  Even though you've had dinner, you still just want ...."something" but can't figure out just what that "something" is.  Something sweet? Something Salty? Something Snacky.   I've got that now.  I know that it is head hunger and not actual hunger.   While I'm very tempted to start trying various things to fill that craving,  I will not let myself cave in.  I am strong.  I am determined.  I will find something else to do instead....  and as soon as my phone finishes charging,  I will go to the gym and distract myself.   It is finding and maintaining the power to make THESE kind of choices EVERYDAY that will see me to my GOAL WEIGHT and keep me there. 

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